north stradbroke
Seabreeze, sand under foot and just the closest of family... a perfect Stradbroke Island elopement.
Written by Cheryl Landsberry Celebrant / Photos by Romana Saeheng

Louise and Travis don’t like being the centre of attention. For their wedding, they decided on a micro wedding at their favourite place in the world – North Stradbroke Island. With just their immediate families present, the couple started their forever on the white sands.
Louise and Travis chose the Sun Salutations option with beach wedding specialists Elope Stradbroke. The package included local Redlands celebrant Cheryl Landsberry, who created a personal ceremony with the couple, local Redlands photographer Romana Saeheng who captured memories of the ceremony , guests, and couple, and styling with a sun arbour, jute mat, signing table, and Americana white chairs.
Louise looked stunning in a slinky white dress with a low back, and a long veil pinned under her bun which caught the ocean breezes. She wore a retro string of pearls. Tradie Travis tied up his dreadlocks and donned a mint green jacket for the ceremony. The colour really suited the gorgeous aqua colour of the ocean.
After a short and sweet ceremony, the couple exchanged wedding rings and signed their marriage certificates. They grinned with delight at the simplicity of it all. Louise said laughingly, “it was that or nothing” echoing the feeling of so many couples who are delighted with their choice to celebrate with a stress-free micro wedding.
After a celebratory dinner with the family, the couple plan to throw a party in their backyard to celebrate with all their friends. That’s the way to do it!
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